11/4/2013 Exercise Your InfluenceMy mother enjoyed Christine Goff’s birdwatcher series. When the series ended with book number five, my mother was quite upset. Mom did not care for my explanation about the vagaries of the publishing industry. She had discovered a favorite series, one she’d hoped to read for many more years. http://www.christinegoff.com Television programs have been known to suffer a similar fate. A good series, in the opinion of fans, is unjustly cancelled. Viewers have discovered, however, that they have influence. More than one series has been continued, or brought back, due to outcry from fans. Good news – this can work for literature, too. · The number one way to support an author you like is through the power of the marketplace. Buy the book! If your funds are limited, check it out from the library. · Number two is to let people know about the author. Word of mouth sells books. That word can be spread in person or via the internet. If you are active on social media or you blog, mention the book or the author. · The third way to keep an author writing and a series viable is to write reviews. If you are impressed with a book, post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and other venues. Post a review on your blog. Publishers and book sellers pay attention to reviews, which demonstrate there is an enthusiastic audience for the work. Share your enthusiasm for an author or series. Exercise your influence. 11/4/2013 08:49:04 pm
Hi, Cathy,
Catherine Dilts
11/5/2013 07:35:30 am
Thanks for stopping by, Jacqueline! I'm afraid many avid readers have no idea of the influence they can have to ensure the books and authors they enjoy keep coming. I'm trying to remedy that! 11/5/2013 07:20:07 am
I heartily agree with you, Cathy. It's important for writers to support and encourage other writers. I make it a point to attend as many book signings I can of authors I know. It can be demoralizing when no one shows up at a signing, and I also encourage friends to attend with me.
Catherine Dilts
11/5/2013 07:39:07 am
Thanks for stopping by, Patricia! I have attended booksignings where the author was grateful I showed up. I agree, authors do need to encourage and support each other. 11/7/2013 01:37:14 am
All good suggestions. Readers can also help by sharing our Facebook posts, tweeting our blog topics, and recommending our books to local book clubs. Any efforts to spread the word are well appreciated. Comments are closed.
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