8/28/2019 0 Comments Repost - Overcoming Fear![]() I'm sharing an article by debut author Jason Henry Evans. His experiences mirror my own, although I'm small press published while he is going Indy. The point is, don't give up. https://pikespeakwriters.com/2019/08/my-journey-to-publication/
8/21/2019 0 Comments The End is Near![]() Not the end of the world. The end of my novel. If you're a writer, you know finishing a novel means you've been to "the end" many times. While I am doing the final polish of my manuscript, I know my editor will have her own opinion on whether the novel is done or not. I'll make my deadline. Not without a few gallons of coffee, but I'll make it. And I even had time for a weekend dash to Roswell to visit an old friend. 8/8/2019 0 Comments Making Time![]() I am envious of writers who find the time to blog, attend conferences, volunteer, and promote their work. I was able to do some of those activities, in moderation, until recently. Facing a publishing deadline, I had to prioritize. That's easy. I decided to make my fiction-focus the new book for Annie's Publishing. Once it is finished, I'll return to other projects. Life will go on as usual. A month into the novel, in order to stick to a schedule allowing me to complete the book on time, I stopped reviewing short stories. Then I stopped blogging, for the most part. A topic for an entire blog is my decision to stop attending conferences. My day job became more demanding. I'm planning to retire in a few years. We have set the date. But until then, I need the job and the great benefits. The balancing act must continue a bit longer. Family suddenly needed more attention. I found myself fighting to find time for basic fitness, or reading a novel. I still stuck to my writing schedule. The new novel is in first draft form. Critique group will review the final chapters next week. One last edit by me, then it's off to my editor. Success, right? I have another month or so of work on this book when the editor's comments come back, then life returns to normal. Not so fast. I have been stressed out a lot lately. This goes beyond having a deadline. I've worked to deadlines many times. I decided to identify the stress in my life, and cull out those things I can. Today I unsubscribed from several news sites that pop up in my email with screaming headlines. No more screaming. I'll hit Facebook next, and silence the "friends" who constantly rant or repost political stuff that raises my blood pressure. If we can't have civility in our daily discourse with people we call friends, then I choose to opt out. In fact, it might be best to hop off the social media merry-go-round from time to time. I'm taking a break. With any luck, you'll find me out walking or running. Maybe sitting on the deck watching the flowers grow. I might finally make some progress on my to-be-read pile. And finish fiction projects begging to be written. Summer is short. Life is short. Find the positive in each day. |
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